We put great value on the fact that we are different from other law firms.  We aren’t different for the sake of being different; instead, we are not afraid to not follow the herd.  Indeed, following the herd is a sure way for long-term average, or even below-average, performance.  We are not afraid to take some chances.  Here are some examples:

Annual Firm Outing

Each year around Columbus Day, the Firm takes all attorneys, most of the A-Team and their significant others to reflect, celebrate and relax over a three-day weekend at a high-end resort hotel, often the Breakers Hotel in the Palm Beach area. The outing is one of the highlights of the year.  The reason is not the food – although that is good – it is because we really like each other and this is a thrill for us to be together and enjoy each other’s company. 

Notably, at many organizations, a company outing is cause for an eye roll, or worse.  At our firm it is the other way around – no one wants to miss the highlight of the year!

Firm Clubs

Given that we have employees with very diverse hobbies and interests, we started our Firm Club program to allow any employee to apply for the formation of a club based on their interests.  The only requirements are (i) that the club must have a reasonable number of employees commit to joining the club in order for it to be formally established and (ii) the club must be open to all Firm employees.  The Firm then provides monetary support and resources for the club.

Firm Committees

In committing ourselves to being innovative and focused we have close to fifteen different committees at the Firm.  Notably, associates and A-Team members participate on almost all Firm committees and they have an important voice in how the Firm is run.