At Adler & Stachenfeld, we are proud of the remarkable community of attorneys and professionals who have helped shape our success. We are committed to building lasting relationships with our attorneys, past and present. Whether you are advancing your legal career or exploring new opportunities, our Alumni Network is here to support you at every step.
Our Alumni Network is a place to reconnect with colleagues, celebrate achievements, and stay connected with the firm and our incredible alumni community.
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Alumni Brief Newsletter
Read the latest edition here.
In this issue, we spotlight what Tom O’Connor has been doing since stepping away from the practice of law, bring you up to date on NYC’s recently released C-PACE Program Guidelines and City of Yes Housing for Opportunity plan, and highlight recent happenings at A&S.
Subscribe to the Alumni Brief below.
Brian Blitz 
Alumni Committee Co-chair
Risa Letowsky
Alumni Committee Co-chair